2021 Opening Night

Archived Event
2021 Opening Night

Past Event

Elliot Vaughan
Quinoa / Chris Kirk
Tobias Allen
2021 Opening Night
Elliot Vaughan
“Two lines of investigation that run through his work are co-creative practice and subtle or radical re-drafting of the frame of performance engagement”
Elliot Vaughan
Quinoa / Chris Kirk
“Quinoa / Chris Kirk is an independent writer, performer, faggot and vagabond”
Quinoa / Chris Kirk
Tobias Allen
“A desire to make art that expresses the fullness of challenging human emotions and experiences that find themselves inarticulable”
Tobias Allen

Hosted by PAWA

2021 Opening Night

About Event


2021 Opening Night

The opening night of Performance Art Week Aotearoa 2021 was a spectacle of creativity and innovation. The festival, which celebrates the diversity and richness of performance art, kicked off with artists from around New Zealand and beyond converging to broaden minds.

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Pawa runs on the contributions of our event goers and public funding. 

We believe performance art should be assible to everyone, thats why majority of our shows are open to the public, however if you have funds to spare please consider contributing.