Archived Event

Past Event

Kalisolaite Uhila

Past Event

Kalisolaite Uhila

Kalisolaite Uhila
“Through his work he explores cultural, social, and political themes such as urban homelessness, and how the ocean can connect people”
Kalisolaite Uhila

Hosted by PAWA


About Event



Kalanga is a Tongan word meaning ‘to speak at the top of one’s voice.’ In a ceremony or a fono, a gathering of people where one or many voices are heard and echoed from the privacy of the gathering to the public. At a church, the church choir sings in the privacy of its church and becomes public when you can hear it singing out on the public road. So then the gathering or fono becomes a combination of being both private and public. Provoking questions about what is private and what is public? Where is the boundary line between public and private spaces, when does the private become public? How do the audience react when a public space turns out to be private and a private space turns out to be public?

In this performance work, Kalisolaite Uhila did perform a Kalanga that activated the private and/or public space between the audience and himself. He provoked the ideas of what it is to be in a private space and be public while also activating the space as public and private.

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We believe performance art should be assible to everyone, thats why majority of our shows are open to the public, however if you have funds to spare please consider contributing.