Ad hoc Re-Performance (NZ)

Archived Event
Ad hoc Re-Performance (NZ)

Past Event

Play_Station Artist Run Space %extra-location-info%
Alexa Wilson
Anna Berndtson
Elliot Vaughan
Josie Archer
Kosta Robert Bogoievski
Louie Zalk-Neale
Forest VickyKapo
Ad hoc Re-Performance...
Ad hoc Re-Performance (NZ)

Past Event

Alexa Wilson
Anna Berndtson
Elliot Vaughan
Josie Archer
Kosta Robert Bogoievski
Louie Zalk-Neale
Forest VickyKapo
Ad hoc Re-Performance...
Anna Berndtson
“Long Duration Live Performance, usually featured at galleries and museums, in nature or urban space”
Anna Berndtson
Forest VickyKapo
“Forest is at heart an alchemist intrigued by the stories and the telling of.”
Forest VickyKapo
Alexa Wilson
“solo performance art projects, which are are often political and relational (immersive) to commissioned group choreographies”
Alexa Wilson
Josie Archer
“values embodiment and somatic practices and is inspired by the post modern dance movement of 1960’s New York”
Josie Archer
Kosta Robert Bogoievski
“performed nationally and internationally with a number of companies and independent choreographers”
Kosta Robert Bogoievski
Louie Zalk-Neale
“When you’re amongst the biodiversity of forests & beaches, you’re part of an ecological system based in fluidity and adaptability ~ that’s whakapapa. “
Louie Zalk-Neale
Elliot Vaughan
“Two lines of investigation that run through his work are co-creative practice and subtle or radical re-drafting of the frame of performance engagement”
Elliot Vaughan

Hosted by PAWA

Ad hoc Re-Performance...

About Event


Ad hoc Re-Performance (NZ)

Four local artists were invited to provide Anna Berndtson with instructions to a performance of theirs. Each hour a new performance score, unknown to Anna, is read and similar items, originally used by the artists, is handed over to her. She used different costumes that had been brought and the means at hand in the space. She re­performed these pieces momentarily, provisionally, and ad hoc. Using the original works of: Forest Vicky Kapo, Elliot Vaughan, Josie Archer and Kosta Robert Bogoievski, Alexa Wilson. Curated by Sara Cowdell. Assistance from Louie Neale. Supported by IASPIS, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s International Programme for Visual Artists. Presented at: play_station, Wellington, New Zealand Additionally Anna also ran a performance workshop, you can read a participants reflection on our blog linked below.

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Pawa runs on the contributions of our event goers and public funding. 

We believe performance art should be assible to everyone, thats why majority of our shows are open to the public, however if you have funds to spare please consider contributing.