Doom Box Ecstatica

Archived Event
Doom Box Ecstatica

Past Event

Alana Yee
Virginia Kennard
Doom Box Ecstatica
Doom Box Ecstatica

Past Event

Alana Yee
Virginia Kennard

Doom Box Ecstatica
Virginia Kennard
“She complains ironically about resisting neat categorisation of her art obstructing programming of her work”
Virginia Kennard
Alana Yee
“Ideas surrounding social and cultural displacement and exploring the complexity of identity expression when challenged in compromising environments”
Alana Yee

Hosted by PAWA

Doom Box Ecstatica

About Event


Doom Box Ecstatica

Doom Box Ecstatica seeks to embody and investigate ideas of the multi-layered ‘private’ spaces and expressions that exist within our own bodies and psyche. Exploring our innermost landscapes and sub-conscious worlds, this sexy somatic dance party celebrated themes of our collective blood memory, pleasure activism, and doom-scrolling tendencies. Honouring the emotional labour it takes in upholding the mysteries of our authentic selves, through a series of reclamation rituals and actions we strived to embrace our personal junk histories and bodily autonomy.

Collaborative performers: Marika Pratley (Class War On The Dance Floor), Virginia Kennard (Betty Lightbulb).

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Pawa runs on the contributions of our event goers and public funding. 

We believe performance art should be assible to everyone, thats why majority of our shows are open to the public, however if you have funds to spare please consider contributing.