Als Ich Fortging
Archived Event
Firstly I acknowledge ngā mana Muaūpoko, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika mē Te Ātiawa. -Leafa Wilson & Olga Krause
“Als Ich Fortging” by Leafa Wilson & Olga Krause marked the beginning of a series of symbolic exits. This performance, a recessional dirge, was accompanied by the musical theme from a 1970s East German Detective Series. Wilson and Krause initiated their musical procession indoors and gradually progressed to the forecourt outside. The work poignantly acknowledged those in mourning and the transient nature of the physical world.
Photography by Robyn Jordaan
Pawa runs on the contributions of our event goers and public funding.
We believe performance art should be assible to everyone, thats why majority of our shows are open to the public, however if you have funds to spare please consider contributing.