Based in Ottawa, Canada, Hélène Lefebvre’s practice is an inquiry into identity and alterity, all the while weaving links between visual art, culture and society. The body in movement and sensorial active listening (epicentre of performance action) are a sustained interest of hers since Les Moissons in 2009. Recently, her work has taken the form of performance, installation and video. Her practice in corporeality takes inspiration from studies in visual art, contemporary dance, and authentic movement, a form in which improvisation is central.
While performing in New Zealand, in the here and now in search of a sensorial connection, Helene will extend and reach the power of linguistic statement, through the sensorial which illuminates and characterises the mechanism of sensation. During this process the profound and specific nature of embodiment will project, emit and rearrange realities of their emitter, of its material and context from which it is able to conceive. The body being a sensorial engine can no longer be assimilated as a fabrication but rather as a fictional power. In this manner her corporal conscience is satisfied.
* Photograph: Robert Cross, Ouvrir le sens. VIVA, Montreal, Canada, 2017