Saoirse and Chloe on Louie Neale: Two visual responses
Saoirse Chapman paints, draws, prints and explores. She has too many jars of things. Presently she lives in Auckland planting seedlings and training to be a midwife.
Chloe Palmer is interested in blind contour drawing, expressive mark making and the relationships built between hand, eye and perception. Focusing her eye on the performances with little peeks at the paper, her hand followed alongside the show, tracing the experiences she had at the time as a viewer.
– Saoirse Chapman
– Chloe Palmer
Saoirse Chapman paints, draws, prints and explores. She has too many jars of things. Presently she lives in Auckland planting seedlings and training to be a midwife.
Chloe Palmer is interested in blind contour drawing, expressive mark making and the relationships built between hand, eye and perception. Focusing her eye on the performances with little peeks at the paper, her hand followed alongside the show, tracing the experiences she had at the time as a viewer.
– Saoirse Chapman
– Chloe Palmer
Saoirse and Chloe on Louie Neale: Two visual responses